Farmari-maatalousnäyttely 4.-6.7.2024
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RotuWelsh, sektio BSukupuolitammaReknro3257 STB-B
SiirtohistoriaJälkeläisluokkaJälkeläiset2 jälkeläistä
Onko tiedoissa puutteita tai korjattavaa? Jätä palaute
Triley Star
135 STB-A
km s. 1956 GBR

Revel Favour WSB 1939
rnvkk s. 1949 GBR

Revel Springlight WSB 1696
päis s. 1942 GBR
Cwm Cream of Eppynt WSB 1586
vkk s. 1932 GBR
Forest Blue Banner WSB 1211 km s. 1921
Caer Beris Faith WSB 8724 päis s. 1924
Winestead Larina WSB 9063
km s. 1932 GBR
Winestead Don Juan WSB 1578 km s. 1929
Grove Star of Hope WSB 4928 km s. 1911
Revel Flower WSB 536-FS.2
rnvkk s. 1942 GBR
Revel Atom Swell WSB 1667
rnvkk s. 1928 GBR
Forest Dun Dandy WSB 1475 rnvkk s. 1925
Forest Atom's Swell WSB 7319 rt s. 1918
Revel Forest Buff WSB 535-FS.1
rnvkk s. 1938 GBR
Revel Atom Swell WSB 1667 rnvkk s. 1928
Revel Forest Bay WSB 155-FS mrn s. 1921
Triley Greylight WSB 9563
km s. 1941 GBR

Revelation WSB 1587
km s. 1932 GBR
Criban Chief WSB 1307
km GBR
Forest Chief WSB 944 rn s. 1913
Forest Greystone WSB 6936 km s. 1918
Forest Sweeps Stamp WSB 8288
m s. 1922 GBR
Forest Black Lad WSB 1035 m s. 1917
Forest Sweep's Merit WSB 6578 m s. 1915
Cwm Greylight WSB 8964
km s. 1930 GBR
Criban Chief WSB 1307
km GBR
Forest Chief WSB 944 rn s. 1913
Forest Greystone WSB 6936 km s. 1918
Grwyne Gem WSB 7385
rt s. 1921 GBR
Talgarth Freeman WSB 1133 rt s. 1918
Tydu Black Bess WSB 6622 m s. 1911
209 F.S.1 STB-B

Goudhaantje 2 STB-D
vkk 137 cm s. 1956 GBR

Llanarth Hywel ap Braint WSB 2281
vkk s. 1952 GBR
Llanarth Braint WSB 1854
vkk 147 cm s. 1948 GBR
Llanarth Goldcrest WSB 1793 prt 150 cm s. 1945
Llanarth Kilda WSB 9643 rnvkk 132 cm s. 1944
Llanarth Empress WSB 9877
rn s. 1947 GBR
Penlan Cymro Llwyd WSB 1757 rnvkk s. 1943
Llanarth Firefly WSB 9114 rn s. 1933
Llanarth Firelight WSB 9881
rt 133 cm s. 1950 GBR
Llanarth Goldcrest WSB 1793
prt 150 cm s. 1945 GBR
Pistill Gold Flake WSB 1723 rt s. 1941
Pistill Sunset WSB 9184 rn s. 1932
Llanarth Firefly WSB 9114
rn s. 1933 GBR
Blaenwaun True Briton WSB 1351 m s. 1922
Bess of Llwynbrain WSB 7848 rt s. 1919
Zilverschoon 8 STB-B

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