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Tawna Cornish Cream
RotuShetlanninponiSukupuolitammaReknroSPSB 13902
Säkä84 cm Värirt, lkk
SiirtohistoriaJälkeläisluokkaJälkeläiset15 jälkeläistä
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Birling Induna
SPSB 3539
rt 81 cm s. 1982 GBR

Birling Golden Cloud SPSB 3061
rt 77.5 cm s. 1976 GBR

Fandango of Wetherden SPSB 2424
rn 77.5 cm s. 1968 GBR
Spinner of Marshwood SPSB 1998
rn 87.5 cm s. 1963 GBR
Spear of Marshwood SPSB 1675 m 95.5 cm s. 1955
Starlight of Millfield SPSB 109 B rn 95 cm s. 1958
Fallacy of Wetherden SPSB 5866
rn 86 cm s. 1961 GBR
Vero SPSB 1746 m 73 cm s. 1957
Avening Fantasia SPSB 5022 trn 92 cm s. 1946
Longmead Glamour Girl SPSB 8073
rt 79 cm s. 1969 GBR
Ardmair Lightening SPSB 2005
rt 90 cm s. 1963 GBR
Rearlight of Felbridge SPSB 1432 rt 91.5 cm s. 1941
Ardmair Roseflower SPSB 5524 rtkrj 90 cm s. 1958
Longmead Golden Glamour SPSB 6394
rt 79 cm s. 1964 GBR
Avening Coffee Cream SPSB 1472 rt 82 cm s. 1948
Longmead Spark SPSB 5573 rt s. 1954
Fallacy of Wetherden SPSB 5866
rn 86 cm s. 1961 GBR

Vero SPSB 1746
m 73 cm s. 1957 GBR
Fairy Fly SPSB 1537
m 67 cm s. 1949 GBR
Fairy Light SPSB 1259 rnkrj 85 cm s. 1925
Fairy Friend SPSB 5106 päis 74 cm s. 1941
Vanity Fair SPSB 5367
trnkrj 71 cm s. 1949 GBR
Fairy Light SPSB 1259 rnkrj 85 cm s. 1925
Vanessa SPSB 4676 rtkrj 80 cm s. 1932
Avening Fantasia SPSB 5022
trn 92 cm s. 1946 GBR
Avening Jupiter SPSB 1410
rt 99 cm s. 1941 GBR
Avening Blusterer SPSB 1344 rn 89 cm s. 1933
Avening June SPSB 807 IS
Avening Freckles SPSB 4852
rn 93 cm s. 1937 GBR
Avening Blusterer SPSB 1344 rn 89 cm s. 1933
Fireworks SPSB 4332 rtkrj 86 cm s. 1923
Tawna Custard Cream
SPSB 11594
rtkrj 84 cm s. 1978 GBR

Fairy Fabric SPSB 2938
rtkrj 86 cm s. 1969 GBR

Rubicon SPSB 2191
rt 84.5 cm s. 1966 GBR
Superstition of Marshwood SPSB 1850
rn 96 cm s. 1961 GBR
Supremacy of Marshwood SPSB 1612 m 94 cm s. 1952
Avening Red Pepper II SPSB 5232 rt 86 cm s. 1952
Red Ruby SPSB 6009
trt 97 cm s. 1962 GBR
Avening Davy Crockett SPSB 1736 phkko 100 cm s. 1958
Red Light SPSB 5238 rt 91.5 cm s. 1944
Fairy Floss SPSB 6355
rtkrj 80.5 cm s. 1965 GBR
Bar of Gold SPSB 1805
rt 76 cm s. 1959 GBR
Fairy Bauble SPSB 1648 mpäis 68.5 cm s. 1951
Bit of Gold SPSB 5362 rtkrj 71 cm s. 1950
Floribunda 2nd SPSB 5370
trnkrj 79 cm s. 1953 GBR
Cherubino SPSB 1363 rn 76 cm s. 1934
Fairy Flowerette SPSB 5371 trn 77.5 cm s. 1941
Tawna Thimble SPSB 10495
trn 86.5 cm s. 1975 GBR

Tawna Treveddoe SPSB 2887
rt s. 1971 GBR
Wells Ruler SPSB 2189
m 94 cm s. 1967 GBR
Rustler of Markinch SPSB 1717 m 99 cm s. 1957
Thumbelisa of Hutton SPSB 6001 m 96.5 cm s. 1960
Wells Prunetta SPSB 7377
m 99 cm s. 1967 GBR
Wells Gold Dust SPSB 1722 rt 96 cm s. 1957
Harviestoun Promise SPSB 5053 m 101 cm s. 1947
Tawna Crumpet SPSB 5812
hkko 87 cm s. 1960 GBR
Avening Coffee Cream SPSB 1472
rt 82 cm s. 1948 GBR
Avening Jupiter SPSB 1410 rt 99 cm s. 1941
Avening Carola SPSB 4854 phkko 104 cm s. 1938
Longmead Chocolate Bun SPSB 4 B
trn 89 cm s. 1955 GBR
Balmohr Nick SPSB 1345 m 102 cm s. 1932
Deldon Honey Bun SPSB 1126 IS rnhkko 94 cm s. 1942
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