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Wells Star Attraction
RotuShetlanninponiSukupuolioriReknroSPSB 1914
Säkä99 cm Värikm
KasvattajaH.P. Sleigh & Son, Iso-BritanniaOmistaja
SiirtohistoriaJälkeläisluokkaJälkeläiset10 jälkeläistä
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Wells Three Star
SPSB 1598
m 99 cm s. 1953 GBR

Wells Trueform SPSB 1488
m 101 cm s. 1948 GBR

Bergastor of Transy SPSB 1360
m 104 cm s. 1934 GBR
Pole Star SPSB 884
m 94 cm s. 1914 GBR
Diamond Star SPSB 697 m 96 cm s. 1910
Othello SPSB 2051 m 96.5 cm s. 1903
Bergia of Transy SPSB 4608
m 98 cm s. 1929 GBR
Sonyad of Transy SPSB 1105 m 97 cm s. 1921
Berga of Transy SPSB 2862 m 96 cm s. 1908
Harviestoun Troya SPSB 4860
m 99 cm s. 1939 GBR
Dollar Boy SPSB 1242
m 99 cm s. 1926 GBR
Bravo of Earlshall SPSB 1115, 1081 m 91 cm s. 1921
Delilah SPSB 2708 m 96 cm s. 1908
Harviestoun Truda SPSB 4794
m 100 cm s. 1934 GBR
Fickle of Transy SPSB 1260 m 105 cm s. 1927
Tiarella SPSB 3591 m 94 cm s. 1912
Bonnyton Beauty 2nd SPSB 5219
m 96 cm s. 1949 GBR

Wells Prefect SPSB 1470
m 100 cm s. 1946 GBR
Harviestoun Sultan SPSB 1393
m 101 cm s. 1937 GBR
Rosdor of Transy SPSB 1267 m 104 cm s. 1926
Harviestoun Sheba SPSB 4511 m 95 cm s. 1926
Harviestoun Prue SPSB 4826
m 104 cm s. 1938 GBR
Kitmagur of Penniwells SPSB 1246 m 100 cm s. 1926
Harviestoun Pryde SPSB 4544 m 99 cm s. 1926
Bonnyton Beauty SPSB 987 IS
tuntematon ori
tuntematon tamma
Wells Primrose
SPSB 5392
km 99 cm s. 1954 GBR

Little Barbe of Felbridge SPSB 1521
km 92 cm s. 1948 GBR

Barbe of Felbridge SPSB 1356
km 100 cm s. 1932 GBR
Bravo of Earlshall SPSB 1115, 1081
m 91 cm s. 1921 GBR
Bandrol SPSB 635 m 98 cm s. 1910
Brend of Earlshall SPSB 3391 m 100 cm s. 1912
Boniface of Earlshall SPSB 4515
km 101 cm s. 1926 GBR
Gluss Norseman SPSB 759 km 94 cm s. 1911
Bohea of Earlshall SPSB 3923 m 100 cm s. 1916
Silver Charm of Felbridge SPSB 4688
km 96 cm s. 1932 GBR
Darnel of Earlshall SPSB 1190
km 97 cm s. 1924 GBR
Gluss Norseman SPSB 759 km 94 cm s. 1911
Dawn of Methven SPSB 3294 km 101 cm s. 1912
Mabel of Earlshall SPSB 4074
km 99 cm s. 1919 GBR
Gluss Norseman SPSB 759 km 94 cm s. 1911
Maid of Vassa SPSB 544 IS
Progress of Felbridge SPSB 5035
km 93 cm s. 1948 GBR

Barbe of Felbridge SPSB 1356
km 100 cm s. 1932 GBR
Bravo of Earlshall SPSB 1115, 1081
m 91 cm s. 1921 GBR
Bandrol SPSB 635 m 98 cm s. 1910
Brend of Earlshall SPSB 3391 m 100 cm s. 1912
Boniface of Earlshall SPSB 4515
km 101 cm s. 1926 GBR
Gluss Norseman SPSB 759 km 94 cm s. 1911
Bohea of Earlshall SPSB 3923 m 100 cm s. 1916
Peace Time of Felbridge SPSB 4901
m 99 cm s. 1944 GBR
Flamenco of Felbridge SPSB 1404
krj 95 cm s. 1935 GBR
Emillius of Earlshall SPSB 1121 rt 97 cm s. 1922
Flamingo of Sansaw SPSB 4567 krj 95 cm s. 1925
Peace of Felbridge SPSB 4812
m 101 cm s. 1936 GBR
Dimissory of Felbridge SPSB 1336 m 104 cm s. 1930
Peace of Coln SPSB 4393 m 99 cm s. 1919
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