Aarteen Viuhti 1238 SH | I (CHE) | | | | |
Very much shetland type. Very nice head. Good topline. Strong limbs. |
Åbrodahl's Minnah Mindful 725006038150201 | I, LV, Champion Shetland, mini, BIS2 (CHE) | | | | |
Good type. Real miniature. Very good proportions & topline. Long croup. Enough bones. Excellent mover. |
Akwarellan Wysteria 246001H00191155 | II (CHE) | | | | |
Nice head. Low set neck. Good limbs. Bit poor condition. |
Alba Igrunja 1481 SH | I (CHE) | | | | |
Nice expression. Good proportions. Good limbs. Good mover. |
Alba La Pelegrina 1520 SH | I, LV, Champion tamma, BIS3 (CHE) | | | | |
Very nice type. Very good neck. Croup slightly too high. Straight limbs. Good mover. |
Alba Promesa 1688 SH | I, LV, Champion varsa (CHE) | | | | |
Very nice head & neck. Very good limbs & enough bone. |
Anshelm H 246001H00171279 | II (CHE) | | | | |
Nice expression. Good topline with very good croup. Little bit fine limbs but very correct. Good mover. |
Avaron Windy Winnecke 246001H00191250 | I (CHE) | | | | |
Nice head & expression. Good neck. Good croup. Good limbs. |
Beorn Caragh 1543 SH | II (CHE) | | | | |
Nice type. Good topline. Good proportions. |
Berghälls Lovely Heart 1664 SH | II (CHE) | | | | |
Nice type. Good topline. Good legs. |
Björknäs Jazzette 1244 SH | I, LV, Reserve Champion tamma (CHE) | | | | |
Wonderful type. Top topline. Very good limbs. Good mover. |
Canna's Irwin 334 SH | I, LV, Reserve Champion nuori (CHE) | | | | Paras nuori ori |
Very good type & expression. Excellent topline with very long neck. Good croup. Good limbs with enough bone. |
Canna's Jacqueline 246001H00171391 | II (CHE) | | | | |
Good type. Very good propoprtions. Good topline. Straight legs & good movements. |
Canna's Julishka 1646 SH | I, LV, Champion nuori (CHE) | | | | Paras nuori tamma |
Very nice expression. Good topline. Neck very nice set. Good limbs. |
Crownhill My Minnie 1680 SH | I, LV (CHE) | | | | CH-mini varsa, Paras Suomessa syntynyt Mini |
Very nice foal. Wonderful little head & expression. Good topline. Strong limbs. Very good mini type. |
Dalsgårds Estelle 1475 SH | I, LV, Reserve Champion veteraani (CHE) | | | | |
Very good type. Very good topline. Good limbs. Good mover. |
Edvin Armas 246001H00141483 | II (CHE) | | | | |
Nice type. Very good proportions. Nice neck. |
Fantas A Dream Come True 1216 SH | II, LV (CHE) | | | | |
Good miniature type. Very well set neck. Little bit high in croup. Good limbs with enough bone. Nice expression. Very good mover. |
HM-Popcorn 246001H00181542 | II, LV (CHE) | | | | |
Nice type. Good proportions. Bit short in the neck. Good back & croup. Enough bones. Straight limbs. |
Ishtar of Langen 1604 SH | I, LV, Champion Mini Junior (CHE) | | | | |
Very nice type. Very good proportions. Good topline. Good limbs, enough bones. Very nice expression. Good mover. |
JoFranka von Stall Roma 246001H00191073 | III (CHE) | | | | |
Head too long & plain. Good topline. Limbs too fine. |
Junibackens Nikita 1461 SH | II (CHE) | | | | |
Nice expression. Good neck & topline. Good limbs. Good mover. |
Kakkulanmäen Virgil 261 SH | II (CHE) | | | | |
Good topline. Not much stallion expression. Good limbs. |
Kanjang av Jäboruder 344 SH | II (CHE) | | | | |
Good shetland type. Good topline. Could have little more bone. Croup little bit short. |
Kaunisrannan Carlos 246001H00151452 | II, LV (CHE) | | | | |
Head little bit heavy. Short neck. Back & croup good. Not stallion potential. Average movements. |
Kaunisrannan Patricia P08-1078 | I (CHE) | | | | |
Very nice shetland type. Very good topline. Good limbs. |
Kerswell Mia 1483 SH | I (CHE) | | | | |
Very good shetland type. Perfect topline. Well set on neck. Very good croup. Strong limbs with enough bone. Turn right foot out in front. Good mover. |
Lähteelän Carlos 184 SH | I, LV, Champion veteraani (CHE) | | | | |
Very nice type. Wonderful topline. Very good limbs. Excellent condition. Very good mover. |
Little Concerto 319 SH | I, LV, Champion ori/ruuna, BIS (CHE) | | | | Paras Suomessa syntynyt standardi |
Very nice type. Good expression. Very good topline. Good limbs & lots of bone. Good mover. |
Little Wicked Moonshine 246001H00191103 | II (CHE) | | | | |
Nice type. Good neck. Croup little short. Good limbs. |
Little Wicked Morningstar 246001H00181086 | II (CHE) | | | | |
Good type. Very nice head & well set neck. Good topline. Croup little bit short. Little bit fine. |
Matador v. St. Roma 352 SH | II (CHE) | | | | |
Nice type. Good topline. Croup slightly short. Enough bones. |
Missy of Langen 1191 SH | II (CHE) | | | | |
Nice expression. Short croup. Good limbs. Enough bones. Turning toes out in front. Little short in trot. |
New Moon of Langen 246001H00171230 | II, LV (CHE) | | | | Reserve Champion Mini Nuori |
Nice shetland type. Good back. Croup little bit steep. Limbs little refined. Narrow in walk. Not much stride. Neck slightly deep set. |
Olywina von Stall Roma 246001H00191022 | III (CHE) | | | | |
Not very shetland type. Too refined. Long head. Good neck. Long croup. Cowhocked. |
Ozzi Pimpernell P03-1368 | II, LV (CHE) | | | | |
Nice expression. Very nice topline. Good bones. Good mover. |
Pineriver's Hemingway 377 SH | I, LV, Reserve Champion varsa (CHE) | | | | |
Very good expression. Nice topline. Good proportions. Lovely head. Good mover. |
Pineriver's Honey Hope 1549 SH | II (CHE) | | | | |
Good type. Good topline. Cropu slightly steep. Straight limbs. Neck could be longer. |
Pineriver's Maverick 306 SH | I (CHE) | | | | |
Nice head & expression. Very nice topline. Good proportions. |
Pineriver's Miss Mhysa 1550 SH | III (CHE) | | | | |
Nice type. Neck & limbs too short. Good croup. Bad hocks. |
Pixus 1323 SH | II (CHE) | | | | |
Nice head & neck. Backend too long & flat. Good limbs. |
Puolikuun Tiatdricia 1583 SH | I, LV (CHE) | | | | |
Very nice type. Very good topline. Long, nice set neck. Good limbs. Straight bones. Good mover. |
Ragnar Wilson 366 SH | I, LV (CHE) | | | | |
Very nice colt. Excellent shetland type. Good topline. Good croup. Very good limbs & enough bone. Very good mover. |
Ramses Wilson 246001H00191304 | I (CHE) | | | | |
Nice expression. Well proportioned. Good limbs. |
Red Rain of Langen 246001H00191245 | II (CHE) | | | | |
Good shetland type. Good topline. Good proportions. Better than mother. |
Regal Wilson 246001H00171077 | II (CHE) | | | | |
Very good type. Long neck. Slightly weak back. Croup much higher. Good limbs. Good mover. |
Regent Wilson 246001H00181306 | I, LV (CHE) | | | | |
Good type. Good bones. Good proportions. Nice head. Very good mover. |
Ruskaliekin Lucky Luke 246001H00091041 | II (CHE) | | | | |
Good shetland type. Neck little bit short and deep set. Good limbs. Turns toes a little out. |
Ruskaliekin Thumbelina 246001H00091040 | II (CHE) | | | | |
Nice head. Legs a little short. Good topline. Legs straight. |
Sammalisen Klarissa 1416 SH | I (CHE) | | | | |
Very nice type. Very good proportions & topline. Very good limbs. Excellent mover. |
Sammalisen Tellu 1589 SH | II (CHE) | | | | |
Good proportions. Good bones. Nice expression. Good shetland type. |
Serpentine's Wilhelmiina 1485 SH | II (CHE) | | | | |
Nice type. Good topline. Strong limbs. Little bit long in the loins. |
Skärgårdens Onassis 752006038090594 | I, LV, Reserve Champion ori/ruuna (CHE) | | | | |
Very good type. Very nice topline, very good neck. Good bones. |
Snowberry of Catchpool 1512 SH | II (CHE) | | | | |
Nice head. Neck a little bit low set. Too short in the leg. Good, long croup. Turns toes out a little bit. Good movements. |
Sunnyhill's Dark Diamond 246001H00191644 | I (CHE) | | | | |
Nice little head. Good topline. Good limbs. |
Thot of Langen 381 SH | II, LV (CHE) | | | | |
Too short in legs. Neck is low set. Good bones. Bit weak in the back & topline. Correct behind in walk. Short stride. Toes in in walk. |
Tiara's Is It Love 246001H00191076 | I (CHE) | | | | |
Good type. Nice neck. Croup short. Good limbs. |
Tosan 1580 SH | II (CHE) | | | | |
Very nice face. Good topline. Good bones & limbs. |
Tough Guy of Langen 246001H00191244 | II, LV (CHE) | | | | Reserve Champion Mini Varsa |
Nice colt with good bones. Nice expression. Straight limbs. Good mover. |
Tunstas Bianca 752006038160003 | II (CHE) | | | | |
Plain in the head. Good proportions. Good bones. Good movements. |
Turbo Bucker of Langen 246001H00191662 | III (CHE) | | | | |
Very fine bones. Nice head & expression. |
Una 752006038090271 | II (CHE) | | | | |
Good type. Good topline. Long in the loins. Good limbs. Narrow in the feet behind. Good mover. |