Farmari-maatalousnäyttely 4.-6.7.2024
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Lindsey's Arabian / Lindsey Arabian / Ranger / Lindsay's Arabian
RotuRotu tuntematon
(arvioitu rotu berberihevonen)
Syntynyt1762 (arvio)MaaTuntematonEmälinja
SiirtohistoriaTuntematon > Yhdysvallat ()
JälkeläisluokkaJälkeläiset22 jälkeläistä
Muuta"Arabian Lindsay's or Ranger, presented by the Emperor of Morocco to the captain of an English vessel, and landed in the West Indies - there he broke three of his legs, and was made a present to a gentleman from Connecticut, where he went by the name Ranger. Captain Lindsay was sent by General Lee, in 1777-8, who purchased him to Virginia." - The gentleman's new pocket farrier VIII (1846)
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