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RotuEnglantilainen täysiverinenSukupuolioriReknro2243/US
SyntynytMaaIso-BritanniaEmälinjaFamily 4
SiirtohistoriaIso-Britannia > Yhdysvallat ()
JälkeläisluokkaJälkeläiset13 jälkeläistä
Muuta"got by Shock; dam by Crofts Partner; g. d. by Makeless; - by Brimmer; - by Place's White Turk; - by Dodsworth; Layton Barb mare." - Wallace's American Stud-Book vol. I

"We cannot find this colt and find but one colt by [old] Shock out of a Partner mare, Bolton, foaled 1752 [the reference is to Lightfoot's Bolton, post].' Col. Baylor's letter book (which survives only for the years 1759-65) shows that he had imported Shock before he acquired Sober John [...]" - The Equine F.F.Vs: A Study of the Evidence for the English Horses Imported Into Virginia Before the Revolution
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rn s. 1729 GBR

rn s. 1700 GBR

Byerley Turk
m tai rn s. 1680
tuntematon ori
tuntematon tamma
Spanker Mare
xx km s. 1675 GBR
xx rn s. 1670 GBR
Darcys Yellow Turk s. ~1665
Old Morocco Mare xx km s. ~1655
Old Morocco Mare
xx km s. 1655 GBR
Fairfax Morocco Barb ox km s. ~1633
Old Bald Peg xx rt s. ~1635
Snake Mare (Sister to Old Country Wench)

xx rn s. 1705 GBR
Lister Turk
km s. 1687
tuntematon ori
tuntematon tamma
Hautboy Mare
xx s. 1700 GBR
Hautboy xx km s. 1670
tuntematon tamma
Grey Wilkes
xx km GBR
xx km s. 1670 GBR
D'Arcy's White Turk km s. ~1663
Royal Mare ox
Miss D'Arcys Pet Mare
xx GBR
tuntematon ori
Sedbury Royal Mare xx
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