Shetlanninponien rotunäyttely, Mikkeli 3.5.2003 | ||||
Relanderin Ponitalli Tuomari Else Enemark, Tanska | ||||
Kaikki kuvat (26 kpl) |
Hevonen | Palkinto | Pisteet | Säkäk. | Lautask. | Muuta | |
A.P. John Way P02-1245 | II (DNK) | |||||
Quite a good type, nice hair. Head a bit long, tail a little low set, moves narrow, lacks marking of the joints. | ||||||
A.S. Nectar P01-1292 | II (DNK) | |||||
Nice type, good head. Good topline and good bone. A little stiff behind at walk, better at trot. | ||||||
A.S. Ofelia P02-1195 | II (DNK) | |||||
Very nice type, pretty head, good neck and shoulder. Straight in the back. Lacking a bit in the hindquarters. Good bone, moves well in trot. | ||||||
A.S. Ontenst Star P02-1247 | II (DNK) | |||||
Quite nice type, good neck and shoulder, good bone. A bit straight and weak behind. Better trot. | ||||||
Ajoksen Hani 890 SH | I (DNK) | |||||
Very nice type, good hair, pretty head. Heavy condition. Very good bone and hooves. Wide in front at walk and trot. Moves well, good energy. | ||||||
Amin Kukkuluuruu P01-1034 | II (DNK) | |||||
Good type, good neck and shoulder. Good bone, narrow movement, nice trot. | ||||||
Axa SWE 779 SH | I (DNK) | |||||
Very nice type, good hair, correct condition. Good neck and shoulder, good bone and hooves. Covers the ground well. | ||||||
Birchhill Foxy Lady 927 SH | II (DNK) | |||||
Nice type, short forlock. Good neck and shoulder, good bone and hooves, moves well. | ||||||
Bjorn v. St. Nieuwmoed 28 SH | I (DNK) | |||||
Very nice type, nice head, good neck. Good bone, moves very well. | ||||||
Bolero v. Spuitjesdom 77 SH | II, Champion ori, BIS2 (DNK) | LV | ||||
Very nice type, well proportioned. Good hair, good bone, moves very well. | ||||||
Caapo Camillo P02-1137 | I, Reserve Champion nuori (DNK) | LV | ||||
Well proportion. Good type, nice head, good neck and shoulder. Good bone, moves correctly. | ||||||
Con Amore Brisante P01-1214 | II (DNK) | |||||
Good type, good neck, good bone. Incorrect hooves in front, platting in front at walk. | ||||||
Coneridge Briella P01-1009 | I (DNK) | |||||
Very nice type, pretty head, good neck and shoulder. Good bone, moves well, nice alert pony. | ||||||
Dacino P-2913 | II, Champion veteraaniruuna (DNK) | |||||
Nice type, kind eye, good shoulder. Straight in the back, uses himself well when he moves. | ||||||
Epeli P97-1135 | II, Champion ruuna (DNK) | LV | ||||
Very nice type, excellent hair, good bone, moves very wide behind. | ||||||
Gloretta P97-1051 | II (DNK) | |||||
Nice trot, pretty head. Heavy shoulder, good bone. Stiff and wide behind at walk, better at trot. | ||||||
Hagelunds Q-Tamo P99-1241 | II (DNK) | |||||
Nice type, pretty head, good front. Lacks in second thigh, moves stiff behind. | ||||||
Hagelunds Smulan P01-1260 | II (DNK) | |||||
Nice type, pretty head and neck. Straight shoulder. A bit unstable at walk, better trot. | ||||||
Hennin Tähti-Tamma 1472 SH | III (DNK) | |||||
Nice type, neck a little weak. Good hooves. Narrow in front, lacks a little energy. | ||||||
Jokimäen Sametti 985 SH | II (DNK) | |||||
Nice type, pretty head, good topline, good bone. Moves well with much energy. | ||||||
K.P. Cowboy P93-1074 | II (DNK) | |||||
Nice type, kind eye, good neck, good bone, moves well. | ||||||
Källbackas Charity 956 SH | II (DNK) | |||||
Very nice type, good head and neck. Heavy condition, narrow movement, topline a bit straight. | ||||||
Kaunisrannan Beauty P02-1021 | I (DNK) | |||||
Charming filly, very nice type, good neck. A bit straight behind, moves stiff behind at walk, good trot. | ||||||
Klockas Amanda 1066 SH | I (DNK) | |||||
Good type, well proportioned. Good neck and shoulder, good topline. Lacks in second thigh, hooves very well. | ||||||
Konsta Kotimies P02-1264 | I (DNK) | |||||
Nice type, well proportioned. Good neck and shoulder, good bone, moves well. | ||||||
Kotirinteen Basilika 1142 SH | II (DNK) | |||||
Nice type, pretty head. Heavy condition, moves well. | ||||||
Kurun Cristal Jade 993 SH | II (DNK) | |||||
Nice type. Lacks a bit of hair in the forlock. Good neck and shoulder, good bone and hooves. Moves well. | ||||||
Kurun Mayday P00-1313 | I (DNK) | |||||
Very nice type, good head and neck. Heavy shoulder, moves well. | ||||||
Kuuselan Pai 1027 SH | II (DNK) | |||||
Nice type, good head, good topline, good bone. Moves a bit stiff at walk, better in trot. | ||||||
Lähteelän Corleon P00-1178 | II (DNK) | |||||
Nice type, good neck. Heavy shoulder, walk a bit short and stiff, same at trot. | ||||||
Londböle Baron 63 SH | I (DNK) | |||||
Very nice type, heavy shoulder, nice topline. Very good bone, a bit short in the movement. | ||||||
Londböle Bazooka 959 SH | I (DNK) | |||||
Very nice type, well developed. Good neck and shoulder, good bone, good hooves, moves correctly. | ||||||
Londböle Bogart P01-1025 | I (DNK) | |||||
Nice type, pretty head, good neck, good bone. A bit straight behind, a bit long in the back. Moves quite well. | ||||||
Londböle Humphrey 183 SH | I (DNK) | LV | ||||
Nice type, good neck. Good bone in hooves. A bit long in the back, moves without energy. | ||||||
Metsäpirtin Bambiina P01-1004 | III (DNK) | |||||
Quite good type, a bit underdeveloped. Lacks energy, lacks marking of the shoulder, narrow movements. | ||||||
Moniz P93-1115 | II (DNK) | |||||
Nice type, good neck. Heavy shoulder, moves narrow behind. | ||||||
Niemenpellon Iza P02-1027 | II (DNK) | |||||
Quite nice type, neck a little low set, good topline. Good bone, straight hindlegs. Moves stiffly behind at walk, better at trot. | ||||||
Niemenpellon Mr Mime P01-1028 | III (DNK) | |||||
Lacks in type. Weak neck, straight in the front. Moves well. | ||||||
Niemenpellon Zelda 897 SH | II (DNK) | |||||
Nice type, good shoulder. A bit straight in the topline, moves without energy. | ||||||
Ookoo Jambo Banda P02-1238 | II (DNK) | |||||
Very nice type and nice head. Well developed. Heavy neck and shoulder. Moves a bit stiff behind at walk, better trot. | ||||||
Ookoo Joe Protoni P02-1239 | II (DNK) | |||||
Nice type, pretty head, good neck. Tail a little low set, good bone. Not quite stable behind at walk. | ||||||
Ookoo Jolli Pop 1070 SH | III (DNK) | |||||
Lacking in type. Good neck, light of bone. Lacks marking of the shoulder, moves stiff behind. | ||||||
Pajasalon Alex P02-1212 | III (DNK) | |||||
An underdeveloped colt. Not steep and broad enough. Light of bone. Very stiff in his hindquarters. Nice head. | ||||||
RP-Balancia 777 SH | II (DNK) | |||||
Quite nice type, good head and shoulder, good bone. Incorrect hooves, twisting hindlegs at walk. | ||||||
RP-Karessa 912 SH | II (DNK) | |||||
Nice type, pretty head. Lacks marking of the withers and shoulder. Tail a little low set. Good bone, lacks energy. | ||||||
RP-Kashmir P00-1207 | I (DNK) | |||||
Very good type, pretty head. Good neck and shoulder, good bone and hooves, covers the ground well. | ||||||
RP-Lamar P01-1163 | II (DNK) | |||||
Very good type. Could use better markin of shoulder. Good bone. Moves stiff behind at walk, wide behind at trot. | ||||||
RP-Laqueena 987 SH | I, Champion nuori, BIS (DNK) | LV | ||||
Very good type, well proportioned. Good neck and shoulder, good bone and hooves, moves well. | ||||||
RP-Mellow P02-1170 | II (DNK) | |||||
Nice type, well developed. Good shoulder, covers the ground well, tail a little low set. | ||||||
Sammalisen Wappu 1047 SH | II (DNK) | |||||
Quite nice type, pretty head. Thin neck, tail alittle low set. Lacks a bit of energy. | ||||||
Strait's Parracuda P99-1053 | II (DNK) | |||||
Quite nice type, head a bit plain. Good shoulder, lacks in second thigh. Moves quite well. | ||||||
Strait's Phoebe P01-1015 | III (DNK) | |||||
Quite good type, good neck. Straight in front, good topline. Light of limbs, small hooves. Moves wide at walk, better at trot. | ||||||
Strait's Phyllis 926 SH | II (DNK) | |||||
Quite nice type. pretty head and neck. Heavy condition, light of bone. Lacks second thigh, moves a bit stiff. | ||||||
Ulverscroft Candid Jewel GBR P98-1383 | II (DNK) | |||||
Nice type, alert. Short forlock, heavy neck, moves well. | ||||||
Ulverscroft Cascade GBR P92-1523 | I (DNK) | |||||
Very nice type, heavy condition. Pretty head, good bone, moves well. | ||||||
Ulverscroft Dancing Light GBR 875 SH | II (DNK) | |||||
Very nice type, good neck, good topline. Good bone and hooves, moves well with energy. | ||||||
Ulverscroft Tot Major GBR 47 SH | I (DNK) | |||||
Very nice type, excellent hair, pretty head. Good neck and shoulder, good bone, good hooves. A bit stiff behind at walk. | ||||||
V.V. Hepter 461 SH | II (DNK) | |||||
Very nice type, beautiful head. Loose in the top of the neck, good bone. Incorrect hooves in hindlegs toes in behind. | ||||||
Vincent v. Rijswijk 25 SH | II, Champion veteraaniori (DNK) | |||||
Very nice type, lacks marking of the jaw. Excellent hair, good shoulder. Lacks marking of the front knee, moves well. | ||||||
Waulkmill Heather GBR P99-1338 | I, Champion tamma, BIS3 (DNK) | LV | ||||
Very nice type, pretty head. Hevay condition. Good bone and hooves, moves very well. | ||||||
Wendie v.d. Heide 690 SH | I, Champion veteraanitamma (DNK) | |||||
Very good type, good expression, good neck. Heavy shoulder, plenty of bone. Moves correct and covers ground well. | ||||||
Ylä-Suojoen Donna P02-1102 | III (DNK) | |||||
Nice type, pretty head. Narrow hoofs, very broad behind at walk, better trot. | ||||||
Zorba of Grutness GBR 76 SH | I (DNK) | |||||
Nice type, pretty head, good hair, good bone, moves well. |