Farmari-maatalousnäyttely 4.-6.7.2024
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XXVI Kansallinen Poninäyttely, Vermo 2.8.2003 - 3.8.2003
Connemara & New Forest: Mrs. Miller (GBR)
Shetlanninponi: Mrs. Dougal Dick (GBR), Mrs. Miller (GBR) (vuotiaat oriit ja tammat)
Welshit ja ratsuponit: Rosemary Philpson-Stow (GBR)
Gotlanninruss ja vuonohevonen: Anna Pajanen (FIN)
Suomenpienhevonen: Terttu Peltonen (FIN)
A.S. Ofelia
A.S. Ofelia
Ahonlaidan Helkky
Ahonlaidan Helkky
Ahonlaidan Helkky
Ahonlaidan Helkky
Ajoksen Lion-King
Ajoksen Lion-King
Akasha S
Akasha S
248 RUSS
Alrebek Amelie
Alrebek Amelie
Amin Janice
Amin Janice
Apris Caroliina
Apris Caroliina
150 C
Aramara Gilda DK
Aramara Gilda DK
149 C
Arnold Providence
Arnold Providence
Arnold Providence
Arnold Providence
Brady Rudolph
Brady Rudolph

Kaikki kuvat (131 kpl)
II (GBR) , II8-8-6-8-7=37
Good type. Could do with more mane. Good walk and trot.
Nice type. Good straight walk. Good trot. Hocks a little weak.
Heavy type. A little short in the neck, straight in the shoulder. Stiff walk in front (because of shoulder). Better at trot, good trot. Little short in the back. Possible stallion potential.
I (GBR)   
II, RP-Ruuna (GBR)   
II (GBR)   
II, LV (GBR) , II8-8-7-8-8=39
Good type. Very nice limbs. Good walk. Trot all right, doesn't use it's hocks. Does have stallion potential.
II (GBR) , II8-7-7-8-7=37
Nice type. Good limbs. Good shoulder. Very good trot. Needs much more hair. Has definite stallion potential.
II (GBR) , II8-6-8=22
Good head. Free movement. Turns left front foot.
II (FIN)   
I (FIN)   
III (GBR) , II7-7-7=21
Plain head. Poor movement behind. Nice nature. Not stallion potential.
II (FIN) , II9-8-7-7-7=38
II (FIN) , I9-8-7-8-8=40
I, RP-Tamma, VV1 (FIN)   
II (FIN) , II8-8-8-7-7=38
II (FIN) , II8-7-7=22
I, RP-Varsa (FIN)   
Very nice type. Good head. Walk a little wide behind. Good trot.
Nice type. Rather plain head. Little undershot mouth. Good straight walk. Good trot.
III (GBR) , II8-7-7-7-8=37
Narrow type. Very narrow in front. Good walk. Walks straight. Good trot. Lacks substance. Good mane and tail. Not stallion potential.
II (FIN) , I9-8-8=25
Nice type. Straight walk. Good straight trot.
Nice type. A little too fat. Wide behind at walk. Poor hocks. Wide behind at trot.
Good type. Good type bone but a little round. Straight walk. Trot ok.
ei palkittu (GBR) , III
Coarse head and neck. a bit lack of bone in hindlegs. Stiff movement.
I, RP-Tamma, VV1 (GBR)   
Fair type. Turning hocks in at walk. Narrow in front at walk. Same at trot. Weak hocks.
III (GBR) , II8-7-7=22
Nice outlook. Good head, nice straight hocks.
ei palkittu (GBR) , III
Stiff movement behind. Straight front. Up at the back. Not stallion potential.
III (GBR) , III6-6-8=20
Good moving pony, active. Plain head, long ears. Not enough bone. Not stallion potential.
ei palkittu (GBR) , III
Immature. Head is too big. Narrow. Not stallion potential.
ei palkittu (GBR) , III6-5-8=19
Immature. Nice head.
II (GBR)   
II (GBR)   
II (GBR)   
II (GBR)   
I, RP-Ruuna, VV2 (GBR)   
II (FIN)   
III (GBR)   
II (GBR)   
II (GBR) , II8-8-7-6-7=36
Very nice type with nice presence. Nice neck and shoulder. Poor walk, wide behind, narrow in front. Poor trot.
Fair type. A little undershot mouth. Walk a little close in front. Straight trot but lacking impulsion.
III (GBR)   
Nice well proportioned small pony. Good head. Active movement.
II (GBR) , II8-8-6-7-6=35
Nice type. Slightly thick and short neck. Narrow in front at walk. Narrow in front at trot.
Very nice type. Nice head, good front. Good walking. Very good trot.
Very nice type. Nice front end. Turning toes in at walk. Turning toes in at trot and knees out.
II (GBR)   
I, RP-Veteraani (GBR)   
I (GBR) , II8-7-8=23
I (GBR)   
II (GBR) , II8-6-8=22
I (GBR)   
I, RP-Veteraani (GBR) , Paras veteraani  
II (FIN)   
Good type. Good topline. A nice front. Good trot. A little wide behind at walk. Definite stallion potential.
Narrow type. Cannon bones a little too long. Lacks depth. Walks close in front.
II (GBR)   
III (GBR) , II7-7-6-8-8=36
I, RP-Tamma, VV2 (GBR)   
III (GBR) , II8-8-7-7-8=38
Light type. Poor walk and little wide behind. Poor trot. Lacks impulsion.
III (GBR) , II8-8-6-7-6=35
Fair type. Bone a little light. Poor walk and trot. Weak hocks.
I, RP-Tamma, VV3 (GBR)   
II, RP-Varsa (GBR) BIS3-varsa
Good body. Gave the trot. Walks a little stiff behind. Nice head. Good limbs.
II (GBR) , II8-7-8=23
I (GBR)   
I (GBR)   
II (FIN)   
Narrow type. Straight walk. Very stiff behind at trot.
I (GBR)   
Nice type. A little fat. A little short at the back. Walk a little close at front. "Dishing" at trot.
A nice type. Very good feet (hooves). Good walk and trot.
III (GBR) , II8-7-7-7-6=35
Good small type. Nice head and hair. Walk good. Straight trot but weak hocks. Lacks impulsion.
I (GBR)   
II (GBR) , III8-6-6=20
I, RP-Tamma, VV2 (GBR)   
I (GBR)   
II (FIN)   
Nice type. Good presence. Good straight walk. Good trot, a little stiff in front.
I, RP-Nuori (GBR) , I9-8-8-8-7=40
I, VSP-nuori (GBR) , II9-8-7-7-7=38
II (GBR)   
III (GBR) , II8-8-8-8-7=39
I, RP-Tamma, VV1 (GBR)   
I, RP-Nuori (GBR) , II8-8-7-8-7=38
I, RP-Nuori, VV2 (GBR) , I9-7-8=24
ei palkittu (GBR) , III7-6-7=20
Poor hindlegs. Poor neck. Turns front feet out. Nice head.
I (GBR)   
Good type but very plain head. Good straight walk. Good trot but little close behind.
I (GBR) , II8-8-7=23
I (GBR)   
II (FIN)   
Nice type. Good limbs and shoulder. Nice front. Good walk. Very good trot.
II (FIN)   
I (GBR)   
I, RP-Ori, VV1 (GBR)   
I (GBR)   
I, VSP-nuori (GBR)   
I (GBR)   
Plain head. Good front. Useful sort.
Fair type. Straight walk and twists her front feet. Wide in front at trot. Weak hocks, turning in at walk.
I (FIN)   
II (GBR) , II7-7-6-8-8=36
Nice type but with a weak neck. Good walk. A little fat. Good trot.
I (GBR)   
I, RP-Ori, RP-Veteraani, VV2 (FIN) jälkeläisryhmä II palk
III (FIN)   
Very nice type. Nice mane. good head. Good limbs. Good walk. A little stiff at trot.
Very nice type. Good head, good bone. Good walk. Straight trot but a little stiff behind.
I, RP-Varsa (FIN)   
I (GBR)   
Nice type. Little too long in the cannon bone. Good walk. Good trot.
Very nice small type. A little fat. Good straight walk. Good trot.
I (GBR) , II8-7-7-7-7=36
Good type. Head little large. Good limbs. Nice walk, walks straight. Good trot. Could do with more mane.
Good movement. Plain head. Not stallion potential.
II (GBR) , II8-8-6=22
Nice tyoe, small pony. Good limbs. Rather short neck. Front movement not straight. Not stallion potential.
Narrow type. Cannon bone little too long. Nice head. Stiff walk.
ei palkittu (GBR) , II7-7-7=21
Head is too big. Not enough bone. Poor movement.
I (GBR)   
II (GBR)   
I, RP-Ori, VV1 (GBR)   
ei palkittu (GBR)
Short of bone. Not a good hindlegs. Nice type.
Nice head. Good legs. Straight movement. Needs more hair in his mane. Maybe stallion potential.
Fair type. A little overshot in mouth. Light of bone. A little narrow.
Fair type. Lacks presence. Head a little plain. Straight walk. Good trot. Hocks a little weak.
Good type. Nice head. Good walk and type.
III (GBR) , II8-8-6-7-8=37
Type is good. Walk poor in the hind. Weak hocks, not good at trot. Not stallion potential. A little fat.
Nice type. Good limbs. Nice head. Good walk.
I, LV (GBR) , II8-7-6-7-7=35
Very nice type. Head a little big. Nice topline. Good walk. Good trot. Good limbs.
III (GBR) , II7-6-8=21
Narrow. Nice head. Not enough bone. Not stallion potential.
II (GBR) , II8-7-8=23
Good mane and tail. Short in the back. Hindquarters too high.
I (GBR)   
Nice type. Little stiff at walk in front. Nice limbs.
III (GBR) , II8-6-7=21
Pretty pony. Slope in hindquarters. A little stiff behind.
Nice small pony. Good full mane and tail. Moves wide behind.
I, RP-Tamma, VV1 (FIN)   
ei palkittu (GBR)   
I (GBR)   
I (GBR)   
III (GBR)   
II (GBR)   
II (GBR)   
I (GBR)   
I (GBR)   
Nice type. Head a little plain. Good walk. Straight trot but lacks impulsion.
III (GBR) , I9-8-7-8-8=40
Fair small type. Good walk. Stiff behind at trot. Not using her hocks.
Fair type. Head a little plain. Good straight walk. Straight in trot but lacks impulsion.
Fair type. Lacks presence. Close in front at walk. Close in the back at trot and lacks impulsion. Weak hocks.
I (GBR) , I9-8-8-8-7=40
Nice type. Good limbs. Head a little big. Good walk. Trot ok.
III, RP-Veteraani (GBR)   
II (FIN) , II9-8-7-8-7=39
I, RP-Nuori, VV3 (FIN) , II8-7-7-8-7=37
Good type. Good bone. A little stiff in walk (hocks). Close in front (walk). Trot ok, stiff in front. Has definite stallion potential.
Narrow type. Slightly long in the cannon bone. Nice head.
Good type. Nice limbs. Nice head. Good trot. Good walk. Lacks a little depth behind the foreleg.
ei palkittu (GBR) , III
Poor neck. Not good type. Free movement. Not enough bone. Not stallion potential.
II, LV, VSP-nuori (GBR)
Good type. Nice front. Good shoulder and length of neck. Good walk. Ok behind in trot and in front. Good action behind. Stallion potential.
II (GBR) , II8-7-7-7-7=36
Good type. Good walk. In trot turning hind foot. Nice head but bridle's noseband spoils -better noseband!
III (FIN)   
II (FIN)   
III (GBR)   
I, RP-Nuori, VV3 (GBR) , I9-9-8-7-8=41
III (FIN)   
Nice type. Little short and thick in the neck. Head a little thick. Little stiff at the walk in front. Straight shoulder. Stiff trot.
II (GBR) , II8-7-7=22
Good type. Nice pony. Good mover. A little wide behind at the walk.
Nice type. Little short neck. Walk wide in front and behind. Wide at trot at front.
ei palkittu (GBR) , II8-7-8-7-6=36
Lacks all presence. Short neck, straight shoulder. Walk ok. Twists back foot in trot. No stallion potential.
Good bone. Straight mover. Plain head.
I (GBR)   
I (GBR)   
III (GBR) , II8-7-7-7-7=36
Bad walk behind. Too short in the front limbs. Good bone. Head a little plain. Better trot than walk. Stiff in front. Weak neck. Not stallion potential.
I (GBR)   
II (GBR)   
I (GBR)   
ei palkittu (GBR) , III6-5-7=18
Well made pony, not shetland type. Active. Not enough bone.
Nice lighter type, a little light of bone. Poor walk behind. Better trot.
I (GBR)   
Nice type. A little light of bone. Hocks a little weak. Good walk. Good straight trot.
III (GBR)   
III (GBR) , II8-7-7-8-7=37
III (GBR) , III7-7-6-7-7=34
Nice type but a little fat. Good limbs. Good walk. Trot straight but lacks impulsion. Turning it's toes at trot.
I (GBR) , II8-8-7-7-7=37
Slightly immature. Nice type. Little light of bone. Good walk and trot. Nice presence.
I (GBR)   
I, VSP-nuori (GBR) , II8-7-7-8-8=38
II (GBR) , II8-8-6-8-7=37
Reasonable type. Weak neck. Slightly large head. Weak hocks. Turning near fore in at walk. No impulsion.
Nice type. Nice head. A little light of bone. Good walk and trot.
III (GBR)   
Fair type. Rather heavy and big head. Short neck. Good straight walk. Close behind at trot. Twisting front foot in trot.
I (GBR) , I8-8-8=24
I, RP-Varsa, VV3 (GBR)   
I (GBR)   
ei palkittu (GBR)
Out of type. Nice looking pony -not a shetland. Good walk. Good trot. Not stallion potential. (A bit overheight for his age).
I, RP-Varsa (GBR) , Paras varsa  
I, RP-Ori, VV1 (GBR) , BIS  
II (GBR)   
I, RP-Nuori, VV2 (GBR) , I8-8-9=25
I, VSP-nuori (GBR) , II8-8-8-7-7=38
I (GBR)   
II (GBR) , II8-7-6-8-7=36
II (GBR) , II7-7-9=23
Slightly leggy type. Cannon bone a bit too long. Lacks depth in body. Stiff walk.
Nice type. Little stiff at the walk. Good trot.
Fair type, lacks presence. Good walk, Head a little plain. Trot a little close behind.
III (GBR) , II8-8-7-7-7=37
Light type with rather heavy neck. Narrow in front at walk. Doesn't use her hocks in trot.
Fair type. A little overfat. A little undershot mouth. Straigth walk. Close behind at trot.
I, RP-Ori, VV3 (GBR)
Very nice type. Good bone. Good limbs. Nice head. Good walk. Good trot. A little close behind.
II (GBR)   
I (GBR)   
I, RP-Veteraani, VV1 (GBR)   
II (FIN)   
Nicely made pony.Good bone. Nice head. Straight active mover.
II (GBR)   
II (FIN)   
III (GBR) , II8-7-7-7-8=37
Walk ok, a little close in front. Good trot. Nice type, nice head. He's a little "back on the knee", bent in front leg. Nice type of small pony. In miniheight possible stallion potential.
I, RP-Nuori, VV2 (GBR) , II8-7-7-8-7=37
II (GBR) , II8-7-7-8-8=38
Nice type. Turning front foot out in walk. A little light of bone.
Nice walk. Bit too fat. Too broad between in front legs. Nice type.
I, RP-Tamma, VV1 (GBR) , BIS3  
I (GBR)   
I (GBR)   
II (FIN)   
Fair type. Very short back. Narrow in front. Straight walk. Trot close in front.
III (GBR)   
Nice small type. Good head. Weak hocks at the walk. straight walk. Same in trot.
Nice type. Walks a little stiff. Rounded forehead.
I, RP-Ruuna (GBR)   
Fair type. Lacks a little bone. Straight walk. Straight trot but lacks impulsion.
Very nice type. Good front end. Good head. Good straight walk. Little close in front at walk. Good trot but a little close in front.
Good type. Good straight walk. Good trot but a little close behind. Hocks a little weak.
II (GBR)   
II (GBR) , I9-9-8-8-7=41
Good type. Good walk. Good trot. Good limbs.
I, RP-Nuori, VV2 (GBR) , Paras Suomessa syntynyt nuori, BIS2, I9-9-8-9-9=44
Very nice type. Good walk. Good trot. Nice neck and shoulder. Good hair.
II, VSP-nuori (FIN) , III6-7-7=20
II (FIN)   
I, LV (GBR) , I8-8-9=25
Nice type of small pony. Good head. Straight walk. Free movement.
Very narrow type. Lacks presence. Straight walk. Bad trot front and back.
Very nice type. a little short in the back. Very good mane and tail. Very good walk. Straight trot, lacks impulsion.
ei palkittu (GBR)   
II (GBR)   
I (GBR) , I8-8-8=24
I, RP-Nuori, VV1 (FIN)   
II (GBR)   
I, RP-Varsa (GBR)   
II (GBR) , III6-6-7=19
II (FIN)   
II (GBR) , II9-8-8-7-7=39
I (GBR) , II8-7-7=22
Very nice type. Good mane and tail. Nice head. Good trot.
I, RP-Veteraani, VV3 (GBR)   
Very nice type. A little fat. Good straight walk. A little close behind at trot. A little stiff in front at trot.
Good type. Good walk. Good trot. A little stiff in the hocks in trot. Stallion potential.
Narrow type. Nice head. Lacks depth in body.
II (GBR) , III8-7-7-6-6=34
Very good presence. Doesn't walk well behind. Trot better than walk. Walk and hocks worse point. Very nice front. General type ok, little bit on legs. Possible stallion potential.
III (GBR) , II7-8-6-7-7=35
Light type. Light of bone. a little narrow. Poor walk. Straight in trot. Lacks impulsion.
Nice type. A little long in the cannon bone. Good walk, straight. Straight trot but lacking impulsion. Head a little plain.
I, RP-Varsa (GBR)   
I, VSP-nuori (GBR) , II9-8-7-8-7=39
Nice type. A little short in the back. A little fat. Good walk. Good trot.
ei palkittu (GBR) , II8-7-8=23
Nice small pony. Good head. Not straight right front leg at the walk. Free moving.
Slightly narrow type. Cannon bone a little too long. Good walk. Good trot.
II (GBR)   
II (FIN)   
ei palkittu (GBR)
Poor hindleg. Nice little head. Short cannon bone. Very poor movement behind.
II (FIN)   
II (GBR) , II7-7-7-7-7=35
Nice type. Very good feet. A little close behind at walk. Very good trot. Good impulsion.
I, VSP-nuori (GBR) , II8-7-7=22
Good full mane. Close in front. Turns front foot. Not stallion potential.
Fair type. A little light of bone. Good straight walk. Straight trot lacking impulsion.
Nice type. Head a little big. Good straight walk. Straight trot but lacks impulsion.
Nice type. A little narrow in front. Good walk. Trotting on outside of foot (hind).
Nice type. Takes a very short stride at walk. A little close at the trot. Turns hocks in. Nice head.
ei palkittu (GBR)   
I, RP-Veteraani (GBR)
Very good type. Good bone. Good walk. Good trot.
Too fat. Good bone. Nice straight hocks from behind. Movement rather quick tempo.
III (FIN)   
II (FIN)   
I, RP-Nuori, VV2 (FIN) , I9-7-8=24
II (FIN)   
III (GBR)   
I (GBR)   
I, RP-Tamma, VV1 (GBR)
Very good type. Nice head. Could do with a little more mane. Very good walk and trot.
II (GBR)   
Nice type. Straight walk. A little stiff behind. Good limbs. Good trot.
Nice type. Straight walk. Little large head. Stiff in front at trot. Twisting the off fore.
Good type. good walk. Good trot. Head a little plain, lacks shape.
I, RP-Varsa (FIN)   
Nice type. Good limbs. Head a little thick at the jaw. A little stiff at the walk. Freer at trot but a little wide at the front.