Farmari-maatalousnäyttely 4.-6.7.2024
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XXXII Kansallinen Poninäyttely, Vermo 1.8.2009 - 2.8.2009
Shetlanninponien tuomari Yvonne Held, FRA ja Sheila Clark, GBR
Gotlanninrussien tuomari Ewa Alpmark, SWE
A.S. Unique
A.S. Unique
A.S. Vesper Star
A.S. Vesper Star
A.T. Musta-Ritari
A.T. Musta-Ritari
A.T. Musta-Ritari
A.T. Musta-Ritari
A.T. Musta-Ritari
A.T. Musta-Ritari
Aarteen Muumimamma
Aarteen Muumimamma
1223 SH
Aarteen Muumimamma
Aarteen Muumimamma
1223 SH
Aarteen Muumimamma
Aarteen Muumimamma
1223 SH
Aarteen Nuuskamuikkunen
Aarteen Nuuskamuikkunen
Ai.Ka. Chili
Ai.Ka. Chili
Ai.Ka. Chili
Ai.Ka. Chili

Kaikki kuvat (131 kpl)
I (GBR)   
I, LV, RP-Ori, VV2 (FRA)
Very good in type, beautiful neck and head, good bone. In walk a bit narrow behind, but correct. Narrow in front too but correct. Very well trotting, very good mover.
Beautiful mare. Very correct. Very correct in walk. Moving very well in trot. Moving exptremely well. Very well presented.
I (FRA) , III7-7-6-7-7=34
Very good type of and. Good topline, very good head. Walking active, trotting well.
Very good type. Well made pony. Walking a bit wide behind, trotting better. Walking on 2 tracks. Very well trotting and having not a long stride.
Correct model, a bit narrow in trot and walk, but very active.
Good presence. Good topline. Very good movements. Good trained pony.
Very immature, will show better next year.
II (GBR)   
I, LV, RP-Varsa, VV3 (FRA)
Very young foal. Very good in type. Beautiful small head. Good presence. Very correct in the lenght. Active moving.
Action too close front and back. Quarters short. Good bone.
Hocks weak. Lacks bone. Pretty face.
I, RP-Tamma (GBR)   
II (FIN)   
III (FIN)   
II (FIN)   
I (FIN) jälkeläisryhmä
I (FIN)   
I (FRA) , II8-8-7-8-7=38
Good and type, good female type. Very correct, moving well. Very well presented.
II (FRA) , II8-7-8-8-8=39
No expression in the head, but good model. Very good topline, like he would sleep (he doesn't show himself). Correct movements in walk and trot.
I (FRA) , I9-8-8-8-7=40
Good type, at the moment a bit overbuilt, makes her a bit down from the neck. Correct from behind, correct in walk. Trotting well, correct.
Good body, good type. Very correct in walk and trot. Moving really well. Very well presented.
II (SWE) , II7-7-7-8-8=37
I (SWE) , II8-8-7-8-8=39
I (SWE) , II8-8-7-6-7=36
I (SWE)   
I, RP-Nuori, VV1 (SWE) , II8-8-7-6-8=37
II (SWE) , II7-7-8-7-7=36
I (SWE) , II8-8-7-7-8=38
I (SWE)   
I (SWE)   
I (GBR)   
I (FIN)   
Very good type. Lot of presence, good backline. Good expression. Very well moving.
Well proportioned mare. Very good topline. Good strong hindquarters. Very good head. Moving correctly.
I, LV, RP-Tamma, VV1 (FRA)
Very good miniature shetland model. A bit narrow in front in the hoofs when moving.
I (FRA) , II9-8-7-6-6=36
Very good in type, good female expression. Correct in walk and trot.
II, LV, VSP-nuori (FRA)
Very good proportioned pony. Very well trotting. Lot of presence. Good head.
II (FRA) , III8-7-6-7-6=34
Real shetland type, ideal as miniature. She is a lovely model. Very good shetland head. Not correct in moving. In trotting wide behind, narrow in front also in walking.
I (GBR) , II7-7-7-8-8=37
Looking very young. Not enough presence. A bit sleepy. A bit narrow in front and behind in walk. Moving correctly in trot.
I (SWE)   
Very good type, good neck, good head. Strong hindpart, very good pony. A bit narrow behind in walk and in front too. Very well trotting. A lot of presence, very good expression.
I (GBR)   
Very good type. A bit underneck. Well walking and trotting.
Good model, good bone, looking well for her age. Good condition. Correct in walk, trotting correctly too.
III (GBR)   
I, RP-Ori, RP-Veteraani, VV2 (GBR) , Paras veteraani  
I, LV, RP-Tamma, VV1 (FRA) , BIS2
Very good type. Lovely pony. Good brood mare with exceptional foal at foot. Good moving in walk and trot.
A bit riding type, should be more deepness in the body, correct walking. Trotting correctly. Nice childrens pony.
I, RP-Nuori, VV1 (GBR)   
III (GBR) , II7-7-8-8-8=38
Good bone. Short quarter. Short under neck.
Good mover, but close behind. Lacks sparkle.
III (GBR) , II8-8-6-8-7=37
I (FRA) , II8-7-7-8-7=37
Easy to handle pony. Nice head. Good pony. Very well moving. Good walking and very well trotting.
I, RP-Nuori (GBR)   
I (GBR)   
II (GBR)   
I (GBR)   
II (FRA) , III8-7-6-7-6=34
Very good pony, a bit heavy head. Good bone, good and type. Correct in walk and trot.
II (FRA) , II7-7-6-8-7=35
Very good type of and pony. Very correct moving in walk and trot.
II (GBR)   
Good type of mare. Could have a bit more bone. Hieman hajavarpainen. Moving active.
I, RP-Veteraani (SWE)   
III (GBR) , II7-8-8-7-7=37
Very good topline and good bone. Very good type. Walks and trots well.
I, RP-Varsa, VV2 (GBR)   
I (GBR)   
I (GBR)   
Good in type. A bit weak in the back. Good expression, good head. A bit narrow behind in the hoofs. Correct trotting.
I (GBR)   
Smaller type, ok with the bones. Good female head. Good topline. Good presence. A bit narrow in front in walking, trotting correct. Moving very well.
Very good mare. Good type. Narrow in front, suppuvarpainen. Narrow in the hoofs in trotting. Good expression. Not correct in the limbs.
II (GBR)   
I (GBR)   
I (GBR) , II8-8-7-8-7=38
I (SWE)   
Good condition. Atractive face. Lacks impulsion in walk and trot.
I, RP-Tamma, VV1 (GBR) , BIS3  
I (GBR) , II8-8-7-7-8=38
Close hocks, short quarters. Tired (?) but moved well.
I, LV (FRA) , II8-8-7-9-7=39
Beautiful type of female and very correct. Beautiful expression. Moving very well.
II (GBR)   
I, RP-Nuori (GBR) , II8-8-7-8-7=38
Good model and expression. Good bone. Correct in walk, trotting well and active.
I (GBR) , II8-7-7-7-8=37
I, RP-Tamma, VV1 (GBR)   
I (GBR)   
II (FIN)   
I, RP-Nuori, VV3 (FIN)   
II, RP-Ruuna (FIN)   
II (GBR)   
III (FRA) , II7-8-6-8-7=36
Very nice looking pony, but not really the type we are looking for in a breeding pony. Moving well.
II (GBR) , II7-7-7-9-8=38
Good model, not finished yet. Still growing. Correct movement. Correctly walking and trotting.
I (GBR) , II8-8-7-8-8=39
ei palkittu (GBR)   
II (GBR)   
II (GBR) , II9-8-6-8-8=39
Very good topline, a lot of presence. Lovely mare. Behind a bit narrow in walk, a bit suppuvarpainen. Trotting extremely well.
I, LV, RP-Ruuna (FRA)
Good and type. Good deep body. Nice head, good neck. Correct in walk. Trotting very well. Nice pony.
Small mare, back a bit weak. Too heavy. Very deep in the body. Beautiful head. Correct in walk, trotting very well and correct.
Good in type, good topline. Good neck, expressive head, good bone. Correct in walk, a bit narrow. Very good movement in trot.
Good type, good topline and presence. Good expression. Correct in walk, used in the hocks (really pitty).
Good type, good presence, good bone. Walking active and correct, very good movement in trot.
III (GBR)   
II, RP-Ori (GBR)   
II (GBR)   
I, VSP-nuori (GBR) , I8-7-7-9-9=40
II (GBR)   
II (GBR)   
II (GBR) , II8-8-7-7-6=36
Very good type of a "small" pony. Good neck and head. Walking correct. Trotting correctly.
Good type. Could have a bit longer neck. Good head. Correct moving in walk and trot.
II (GBR) jälkeläisryhmä
Too small. Hocks too close. Attractive face.
Stiff in front and behind.
I (GBR)   
Small pony, beautiful head. A bit long in the strong, good back. Good presence, lovely little pony. Correct in walk, moving very well in trot.
Ideal model of a mare. Very, very good in type. Good female expression. Moving well.
II (FRA) , II8-8-7-8-7=38
Good type, good expression. Nice pony head. In walk narrow in front, and a bit wide behind. On two tracks. In trot better, very active.
Front hoofs not straight, otherwise good mover.
I, RP-Nuori, VV2 (GBR) , I9-8-8-7-8=40
I (GBR)   
II (GBR)   
Standing good model. Good type, good topline, a bit strong underneck. Walking and trot in two tracks, very wide behind, narrow in front.
II (GBR)   
II (FRA) , II7-7-7-8-7=36
Good type of pony. Could have a little bit more presence. Still looking very young. Left in front is turning outside. Movement in trot is better.
I, RP-Varsa, VV3 (GBR)   
II (GBR) , II7-7-7-8-7=36
I, RP-Varsa (SWE)   
II (SWE) , III7-7-7-7-6=34
I, LV, VSP-nuori (FRA)
Very good type of and mare. Beautiful expression. Correct in walk and trot, very active.
Good type in model, a bit long in the back. Good bone. Good expression. In walk a bit narrow behind. Very well trotting.
Nice model, beautiful colour, good topline. Good head, good proportions. Narrow behind in walk, correct in front. Moving well in trot, very active.
I, RP-Ori (GBR)   
II (FIN)   
III (FRA) , III6-6-7-7-8=34
Not typical and pony. Not the type of a 1-year colt. No bone. Very big for his age. Nice head. A lot of presence. Not correct movement in the hocks (probably trained a lot).
III (FRA) , III7-7-6-7-6=33
Nice type, but a bit welsh. Very light boned. Walk and trot moving well, but narrow.
I (GBR)   
Small pony of very good type. A lot of presence. Very good head. Strong hindquarters. Correct movements, nicely trotting.
III (FIN)   
I, VSP-nuori (FIN)   
II, RP-Veteraani (FIN)   
II (FIN)   
III (GBR)   
III (FRA) , II7-7-6-8-7=35
Very sleepy. Looking very young. Correctly walking, could move better in trot.
I (GBR) , II8-7-7-9-7=38
Needs show better, better at trot. Otherwise very correct.
Good in type. A bit light of bone. Good head. Correct in walk and in trot.
Good type and expression. Good neck. Good bone. Strong back. Very correct in walk. Trotting well.
I (FRA) , III6-7-6-7-7=33
Model in good and type. Very good mover, very correct in walk and trot.
I (GBR)   
I, LV, RP-Varsa (GBR)
Slightly close at hocks but good self carriage.
Movement excellent, but lacks bone. Could end up like a part bred pony. Might loose type. Hocks ?.
Good model, typical and well proportioned. Could have a bit more neck. In walk narrow in front. Good movement.
II (GBR) , II8-8-6-8-7=37
Very good type of pony, looking very young but very promising. Good femlae expression, a lot of presence. Correct in walk and trot.
Good type of filly for standard size.
Good pony, good type. Very good movement. Correct in walk and very good in trot.
Very good type, beautiful expression. Moves very well. Trots very well, very active, a bit close in the hocks.
II (FRA) , II8-8-7-7-7=37
Good model. Good head. Strong back. Very narrow in front in walk. Trot is active, but narrow in front.
Very good type. Good backline, good head. Could have a bit longer neck. Correct walking and trotting.
A very good pony, lovely, good and temperament. Good topline, good presence. Good typical and movement.
Too hocky, but free mover. Lacks bone.
Good mover, near fore turns inwards. Hocks weak.
Good strong bone. Hocks too far behind.
Could have a bit more bone. Good mare. A bit heavy under the neck. Very good head. Correct in walk and trot.
II (GBR) , II9-8-7-7-8=39
Good mover, but a little close at hocks. Well presented.
Too fat, but very well balanced pony, showing good.
Tail almost a bit too high. Good, straight mover.
Good model, good bone, good expression. Narrow behind in walk, in front left turns on the outside, but active. Trots well.
II (GBR)   
I (FIN)   
Good model, good neck and topline. Very good moving. Walking well and active, trotting too. Well presented.
II (FRA) , I9-9-7-8-8=41
Good topline, a bit short in the neck. Correct, very good movement in trot and walk. Trots really well.
Free mover. Needs more substance.
I (FRA) , I9-8-8-8-8=41
Ideal model, good female expression. Very well proportioned. Very good mover. Moves very well from behind.
II (GBR) , II8-8-7-8-7=38
Hocks wide and turns near fore inwards, but free mover.
II (GBR)   
I (SWE)   
Small model. Could be a bit deeper in the body. Very good expression. Walking active. In front a bit hajavarpainen. Trotting very well and active.
I (SWE)   
I (FIN)   
II (SWE) , I9-9-8-8-9=43
I (GBR)   
II (FIN)   
II (FIN)   
Very well moving. Good type of a miniature. Very good proportioned. Very well trined. Very good topline. Very nice filly. Could have better shetland gend.
II (GBR) , II8-8-7-8-7=38
I (FRA) , II7-7-7-8-7=36
Good type, correct in walk and trot, active.
Good model. A bit long in the back. Good presence. Good head. A bit narrow in walk behind. Correct in front. Very well trotting.
II (GBR)   
II (GBR)   
ei palkittu (GBR)
Willing trotter. Condition poor. Has an undershot jaw.
I, RP-Ori, VV3 (SWE) jälkeläisryhmä I palk
I (SWE)   
III (SWE)   
I (SWE)   
II (GBR)   
I (FRA) , II8-7-7-7-6=35
In between mini and standard. Could have a bit better and head. Good model, quite finished, well proportioned for his size. Good mover, very good walking.
Good steady action. Attractive face.
I, RP-Varsa (GBR)   
II (GBR)   
II (GBR) , II8-8-7-8-7=38
I (FRA) , I9-8-7-8-8=40
Good female expression. Good bone. Is moving very well in walk and trot.
III (GBR)   
ei palkittu (GBR) , II9-8-7-7-7=38
Tack badly fitting. Lacks bone, hocks too close.
A bit lighter type. A lot of expression. Nice pony inbetween size. Correct and very active in walk. Trotting well.
I (GBR)   
II (GBR)   
II (FIN)   
II (FIN)   
I (FIN)   
I (FIN)   
I, RP-Ori, VV1 (FIN)   
I (GBR)   
I (GBR)   
I (GBR)   
I, LV, Reserve Champion tamma, VV5 (FRA)
Beautiful, good model of a brood mare. Deep body and good bone. Typical and head. Very correct in walk, trotting very well.
I (GBR)   
I, RP-Ruuna, VV3 (GBR)   
I, RP-Varsa, VV3 (GBR) , Paras varsa  
I, VSP-nuori (GBR)   
I (GBR)   
I, VSP-nuori (GBR)   
II (GBR)   
II (FIN)   
I, VSP-nuori (SWE) , II8-8-7-7-7=37
II (SWE)   
Good model, but a bit light in bone. Good head, good expression. Walking correct. Trotting very well.
II (SWE)   
II (FIN)   
Very good model, but a bit weak in the back. Good presence, good head. Walking active, a bit outside in front. Moving very well in trot. Moving more correct in front in walk and in trot.
I (GBR)   
A bit long in the body, good bone, not a lot of stallion neck. Good expression. In walk a bit wide behind, correct in front. Moving well in trot, very active.
Very correct pony. Heavy head. Not moving correctly.
I, RP-Ruuna, VV3 (GBR)   
II (GBR)   
Correct in type, moves very well. A bit light boned. Walks and trots well.
II (FRA) , II8-8-7-8-8=39
Good, real shetland type of pony. Good head, good topline. Correct, active walking, correctly trotting.
A bit weak in the back, good model. Good head, good expression. Correct in walk. Trotting very well.
I (FIN)   
I, RP-Ruuna, RP-Veteraani, VV2 (GBR)   
I, RP-Ruuna, VV2 (GBR)   
I (FRA) , II8-7-6-8-7=36
Good topline, good expression. Good type of future brood mare. Moves well.
II (FIN)   
III (FIN)   
I (FIN)   
Hocks stiff. Good temperament.
In between size (mini/standard). Good pony. Good back line. A bit short in the neck. Walking and trotting correct.
I, RP-Varsa, VV3 (GBR)   
Good model, a good type. Good topline, beautiful head, very good pony. Correct in walk. Trotting very well, active.
I, LV, RP-Nuori, VV2 (FRA) , I8-8-7-9-9=41
Good type of pony, good model. Moving very well and correct.
Could have a bit smaller head. Walking a bit weak and narrow behind. Narrow in front too. Better in trot.
I, LV, Reserve Champion varsa (GBR)
Correct shape and temperament very good. Small at the moment.
I, LV, Paras nuori ori, RP-Nuori, VV3 (FRA)
Good in type, very correct in walk and trot. Trots very well.
III (FIN)   
I, RP-Ruuna (GBR)   
II (SWE) , II8-8-8-7-7=38
Very good type of and pony (standard). Not too leggy. Good bone. Excellent head. Very correct movements.
II (GBR)   
I, RP-Tamma, VV2 (SWE)   
I, RP-Tamma, VV2 (GBR)   
II (GBR) , II9-8-7-8-7=39
I (GBR)   
II (GBR)   
III (GBR) , II8-8-7-7-8=38
Good type. Good expression, good bone. Behind he is walking on the outside of the hooves, in front correct. Very well moving in trot.
II (GBR) , II8-7-6-7-7=35
I, RP-Tamma, VV1 (GBR)   
Good type. Very good expression. Good topline. Correct in walk, trotting well and active.
Good model. Could have a bit more presence. Good mover.
I (FIN)   
I (GBR) , II8-8-7-7-7=37
I, RP-Varsa (GBR)   
Very good type, good topline. Lot of presence. Good hair and head. Good bone. Walking correct, trotting well.
I (GBR) , II8-8-6-8-8=38
Must teach pony to run out. Hocks a bit close.
I (FRA) , I9-8-7-8-9=41
Good model. Could have a bit longer neck and a bit more expression. Good movement, very correct in walk and trot. Walking and trotting well. Very active.
Legs a bit short, but good bone. For size correct.
Good type, but a bit too fat. Good brood mare. Walking very correct. Trotting very well.
Action restricted. Hind leg too straight. Needs flexion.
Well balanced trot. Good head. Very pretty foal.
II (FRA) , III7-7-7-7-6=34
Could have a bit more neck and presence, still not finished, looking young. Correct.
II (GBR) , II8-7-7-7-7=36
II (GBR)   
I, RP-Varsa, VV2 (FIN)   
II (SWE)   
I, RP-Varsa, VV3 (GBR)   
I (GBR)   
I, RP-Tamma, VV1 (GBR)   
I (GBR)   
I, VSP-nuori (GBR)   
II (GBR)   
I (FRA) , I9-8-7-9-7=40
Very well proportioned. Small type of and pony, a lot of presence. Good female expression. Very good movement, correct in walk and trot.
Good head. Good expression. Still very good type. Looking much younger than she is. Good mover! Walking a bit narrow behind, active walk. Very active in trot.
Young mare, good type. Could have a bit more bone for the moment. Good head. A bit outside left and right in the walk. Trotting active.
Wobbly at the moment, but could be a good mover. Has natural balance. Check front feet for straightness.
I (GBR) , II8-8-6-8-9=39
I (GBR)   
III (GBR)   
Very good type. Good topline. Lot of presence. Beautiful mane and tail. Very narrow behind in walk and in trot, but very active movements.
Could have a bit longer neck. Beautiful head. Long legs. Narrow in the chest. Narrow in front in walk. Narrow in trot too.
I, RP-Nuori, VV1 (GBR) , Paras Suomessa syntynyt nuori, BIS  
I (GBR) , II9-8-7-7-8=39
II (GBR) , II8-7-7-7-6=35
Big pony, could have a bit more bone. Heavy head. Very correct in walking. Trotting well.
I (GBR)   
Good type in working condition. Lot of presence. Good head ( a bit light type). Could have a bit more deep. Well and correct mover.
I, VSP-nuori (GBR) , II8-8-7-7-7=37
I, RP-Nuori (GBR) , I8-8-7-9-8=40
ei palkittu (FRA)
Good and heavy type with a lot of bone. Moving well and correct. Sweet itch.
II, VSP-nuori (GBR)   
II (GBR)   
II (GBR) , II9-8-7-7-8=39
II (FIN)   
I, LV (GBR) , I9-9-7-8-8=41
Good straight mover. Well shown.
I, RP-Tamma, VV1 (GBR)   
I (GBR)   
I (GBR)   
I (GBR)   
III (GBR)   
Good type, good bone, good expression. Good head. Correct in walk. Trotting very well.
I (GBR)   
II (FIN)   
II (FIN)   
II (GBR) , II7-7-7-8-7=36
II (FIN)   
III (FIN)   
I (FRA) , II8-8-7-7-7=37
Good model, good backline. Head could have a bit more expression. Moving well and correct.
II (FIN)   
Very good type of and pony. Strong boned. Walks and trots well, a bit narrow in front.
III (GBR) , I9-8-8-7-8=40
Pony needs training. Trot a bit choppy.
II (GBR) , II8-8-7-8-7=38
Free mover, but lacks bone.
III (GBR)   
III (FRA) , II7-7-6-8-7=35
Good type. Could have a bit shorter head and have a bit more bone. Not finished yet. Correct in walk. Trotting well, but a bit narrow in front.
Narrow, lacks bone. Hocks very close. Attractive face.
II (FRA) , II7-7-7-8-7=36
Good in type. Correct in movement, walk and trot active.
I (SWE)   
I, RP-Tamma (FIN)   
I (GBR)   
Good mover and straight. Lacks bone a little.
Small type. Good expression. Good proportioned. A bit narrow behind in walking. Trotting well with a big nice stride.
Small model, good proportions, could have a bit longer neck. Correct in walk, in front right turns a bit out. Trotting well.
II (FIN)   
I (FIN)   
I, RP-Veteraani (GBR)   
I, RP-Nuori, VV2 (GBR) , II8-8-7-8-7=38
I, LV, RP-Veteraani, VV4 (FRA)
Beautiful old lady mare. In good condition. Beautiful expression. Correct in walk. Very active, good movement in trot.
II (GBR) , III7-7-7-6-7=34
II (FRA) , II8-7-7-8-7=37
Nice model, nice bone. In walk and trot narrow in front.
Good model, deep body, good head. Walking correctly, moving well in walk and in trot, very active.
Correct in model but a bit long body. Could have more expression in head. A bit open in the hocks when walking, correct in front. Correct moving in trot.
Good model, deep in the body, good topline and good presence. Good and head. In front a bit outside in walk. Trotting very well but outside in front too.
I (SWE)   
Small pony, well proportioned, good bone. In walk he turns on the outside of the hooves in front, behind correct. Trotting active, good big stride.